Friday, October 29, 2010

Evva Sweet 19

Last Saturday was fun..We really did a awesome birthday party for my fella..We did picnic and clubbing..Guess what she had celebrated her birthday 3 times in one day..This party made we insane..Happy sweet 19 Maryieny Evva...Actually she is my new friend..So lucky am I..She is just like my others fellas..I will let the photis talking..Enjoyed our awesome picca..
Birthday girl..At 12.oo a.m..(22 October 2010) At Memory Pub..So unlucky I cant attended her birthday bcoz tomorrow got class...
On the same day,we did picnic at Sg.Yong..Everyone brought their couples there but I am single..lalalala~~
Birthday girl cake.. Strawberry Fresh cream..Ordered at Untong Bakery..

Girls...Beer, Hotdog, Bacardi Lemon, Greentea..
Birthday girl was drunk...She had a big smile when she get drunk..hahahah..
We were at hilux..Then guess where we go to???Nice body of you Evva..
Jeng2..Celebrated her birthday at My song Kara..We just when ahead there.. It was really crazy right..We didnt change our clothes..arghh.Our clothes still wet when we went there,.everyone wanted happy hours..Did we really care...??
Took some picture..Most important,we all happy..

Everyone looked happy..So am I..happy birthday to evva..~~Thank for treating us on your birthday...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kerana Ku Cinta Kau

Jika ada yang bilang ku lupa kau
Jangan kau dengar
Jika ada yang bilang ku tak setia
Jangan kau dengar

Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
Ku menolak
Semua itu karena ku cinta kau

Jika ada yang bilang ku tak baik
Jangan kau dengar
Jika ada yang bilang ku berubah
Jangan kau dengar

Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
Ku menolak
Semua itu karena ku cinta kau

Saat kau ingat aku ku ingat kau
Saat kau rindu aku juga rasa
Ku tahu kau slalu ingin denganku
Ku lakukan yang terbaik yang bisa ku lakukan
Tuhan yang tahu ku cinta kau

Jika kau tak percaya pada ku
Sakitnya aku
Jika kau lebih dengar mereka
Sedih hatiku
Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
Ku menolak
Semua itu karena ku cinta kau