Monday, August 30, 2010

When I feel lazy

Lately,I feel too many burden when I still study..Do homework then exam..Too many rules in school..I just wanna to quit and keep thinking what else can I do??Go to work??Huh!!!Then I think again..What works should I I go for??Cleaner,promoter,cashier and blabla..oh no!!!Then I think again..Married?? am not ready for it..Plus,who gonna married with me??you??hahaha...I need to be a successful person..To make my parents feel proud of me..I hope there is a magic key of successful..Bc kah??Key of successful bc meh..kahkah..That just my feeling when I get lazy to study and do my revision..kahkahkah..

My magic key of successful..I just need a door..maybe at my hand or any part of my body..hahahahah...

Quote by Concrad Hilton: Successful seems connected to with action.Successful people keep moving..They make mistakes but they dont quit..♫♫

p/s:I am who am I..

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I was totally missing out my all friends..I missed when we laughed together..I missed our talk..Fight with others..lalala~~I''ll let the photos talking about what I miss about them..

Lepaking at orhard..Our favour watermelon juice..Jcy,Me,Tireo & Mia~~

When we are jobless..Like we care!!Elnolg,Jcy,Mia,Cecille & Viera..~~

I really miss this moment..Hepi hours time...

Dinner time..It was great even not all my classmates was here..

Hepi hours time again..Felix was entertained us with his favor song 'SINU'...

We are gonna do this again when we do our reunion later..I just cant wait it..

p/s: I am who I am..


I already reformated my blog..I had deleting all my story here..Why??Bcoz I wanna to start a new chapter..forget about him..and everything about us..SUCH A NONSENSE TALK..I just wanna to make some changes on blog..More matured blog,interesting and so on...blablabla..OH,yeah..BTW,thank MIA..for you help..For changing my blog template..Can I comment it??It look simple and interesting..BUT,why you chose white for me?? funny ma..

I already reformat myself too..hahaha..seems like an interesting things to do...should I reformat myself??Lu pikir la sendiri...

p/s:I am who I am..