Monday, August 30, 2010

When I feel lazy

Lately,I feel too many burden when I still study..Do homework then exam..Too many rules in school..I just wanna to quit and keep thinking what else can I do??Go to work??Huh!!!Then I think again..What works should I I go for??Cleaner,promoter,cashier and blabla..oh no!!!Then I think again..Married?? am not ready for it..Plus,who gonna married with me??you??hahaha...I need to be a successful person..To make my parents feel proud of me..I hope there is a magic key of successful..Bc kah??Key of successful bc meh..kahkah..That just my feeling when I get lazy to study and do my revision..kahkahkah..

My magic key of successful..I just need a door..maybe at my hand or any part of my body..hahahahah...

Quote by Concrad Hilton: Successful seems connected to with action.Successful people keep moving..They make mistakes but they dont quit..♫♫

p/s:I am who am I..

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