Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nobody know

Nobody know I am here now..I am alone here without them..~~I just keep crying and thinking what should I do next..Totally damn..~~I need to go far from here..Far away from them..As far as I could..I love them but we should reflect ourselves..Our faults..OK..I am not going to blame them and they are not totally right also..I hate this situation~~I had faced this matter many time..~~I am sorry for everything..I know I am not good..I dont need anyone..It is better..No one can understand my feeling..You are not in my shoes..OH..I am so suffering..I dont need help..No..thank..If you all read my blog,please dont ask me what happen to me...And also my peeps,are you happy??OH..I dont care and I dont know..Arghh...~~I wish I am not here anymore and I wish I can back to my childhood time so I am not going to cause difficulty to them..~~I am feelingless,speechless and heartless~~I am just sitting here keep crying~~OH..God..Help me..~~

I am just sit here without anyone know I am here~~I am keep crying and keep writing here~~

Are there any happiness await me??~~I still have a long way to go~~

p/s:I am who I am..

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